Hat Care — East Village Hats

If you have any problems or questions email us at info@eastvillagehats.nyc or call us during open hours on 212 358 7092

East Village Hats

Hatworks and Millinery

Caring for your East Village Hat

Caring for Felt Hats

  • Your felt hat is not an umbrella! Felt is water resistant and can take a bit of rain, especially the beaver and suede-finish felts. However, if your hat gets really soaked, it will lose its shape.

  • When it does get wet, make sure it dries in a position where it will not be distorted.

  • If it does dry a little bent out of shape, use steam from your kettle to make it flexible and ease it back to its original shape with your fingers

  • If your hat gets a stain, first try sanding the area with a really fine sandpaper; for stubborn stains apply steam and use a straight pin or a soft brush to break up the stain.

  • If you are unable to fix the problem, bring the hat into the store and we will try to fix it for you. If the hat needs to be reblocked we charge a $50 reblocking fee.

Caring for Straw Hats

  • Straw hats really don't like the rain, so if a shower begins and you don't have an umbrella, run!

  • If it gets a little damp, again, just make sure it is not distorted when it dries. Just as with felt, a little steam will do a lot to bring the straw back to shape.

  • If you are unable to fix the problem bring the hat into the store and we will try to fix it for you. If the hat needs to be reblocked we charge a $50 reblocking fee.


  • Our hats come complete with square cardboard hat boxes, which are ideal for storing your hat, and if you have a collection, they stack beautifully.

  • For travel, a travel case is a great idea. Browse Ebay and Etsy for some great vintage options. Hammer Plastics makes a great carry case which can carry a few hats at a time.

  • If you don't want the extra baggage, your head is a great place to transport your hat!

  • Packing in your suitcase is not advised.