Gift Certificates — East Village Hats

If you have any problems or questions email us at or call us during open hours on 212 358 7092

East Village Hats

Hatworks and Millinery

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Virtual Gift Certificate - Design your own custom hat
Virtual Gift Certificate - Design your own custom hat
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Gift Certificate - Design your own custom hat
Gift Certificate - Design your own custom hat
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Gift certificate Draping in Felt
Gift certificate Draping in Felt
Gift Certificate for Make your own fedora class
Gift Certificate for Make your own fedora class
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Gift certificate 3 hour Fascinator Workshop
Gift certificate 3 hour Fascinator Workshop
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Gift certificate 3 hour Turban Class Workshop
Gift certificate 3 hour Turban Class Workshop
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Gift Certificate Make your own Sunhat
Gift Certificate Make your own Sunhat
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Gift Certificate for Private Lesson: Make Your Own Straw Bergère
Gift Certificate for Private Lesson: Make Your Own Straw Bergère
Gift certificate - $50
Gift certificate - $50
Gift certificate - $100
Gift certificate - $100
Gift certificate - $150
Gift certificate - $150
Gift certificate - $200
Gift certificate - $200
Gift certificate - $250
Gift certificate - $250
Gift certificate - $300
Gift certificate - $300