East Village Hats

Hatworks and Millinery

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Couture cloche draping and finishing with Tierre Taylor
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Couture cloche draping and finishing with Tierre Taylor
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Wet Felted hats wetfelting.jpg
Wet Felting with Tierre Taylor
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Wet Felting with Tierre Taylor
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Couture cloche draping and finishing with Tierre Taylor
Couture cloche draping and finishing with Tierre Taylor
Needle felted mushroom hat 3E7315D5-1A3E-41AA-AA17-B437123D09E0.jpeg
Needle Felting with Tierre Taylor
Needle Felting with Tierre Taylor
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Kentucky Derby Fascinator Workshop- Exclusive NYU Campus Event
Kentucky Derby Fascinator Workshop- Exclusive NYU Campus Event
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Sinasilk taster class with Maor Zabar
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Sinasilk taster class with Maor Zabar
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Sinasilk tophats with Maor Zabar
Sinasilk tophats with Maor Zabar
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Sinasilk taster class with Maor Zabar
Sinasilk taster class with Maor Zabar
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Japanese floral arrangements in thermoplastic with Maor Zabar
Japanese floral arrangements in thermoplastic with Maor Zabar
Polka dot Callalily swirl.jpg Sinamay headwear
Introduction to Sinamay Workshop with Julia Knox
Introduction to Sinamay Workshop with Julia Knox